The Aqua Swim School runs swimming lessons every single day of the week across Dorset, the New Forest, and West Hampshire, typically in line with the three school terms.
- September to December
- January to March/April
- April to July.
Lesson Courses
Call us old fashioned but unlike many Leisure Centres and Health Clubs that run 50 weeks a year Direct Debit Schemes for swimming lessons, we actually love our School Holidays to break the routine and enjoy a special time for whole families to enjoy the fun, unstructured play swimming together. We believe breaks are there for a reason, to reflect, refresh and prepare for the next stage of growth.
Intensive Courses
We do offer intensive courses in many school holidays, but we recommend you only book these once or twice a year if you need a boost. We aim to run these in the mornings to leave the rest of your day free.
Booking or Making an Enquiry
Lessons can be booked up rather quickly, so please call/email/text as soon as possible to gain information or book your space. Private lessons are also available at all venues. Or alternatively, visit our Contact Us page.
- Mobile/ Text Charlotte on 07891 859375
- Email:
Lesson Duration
All lessons are 30 minutes in length, to begin with, then when you are swimming like a fish our Aquastarz and Rising Starz squad sessions are 60minutes in length.
*Venues/times are subject to change although we give you as much notice as possible if this is the case.