Aquatotz – Parent & Baby/Pre-school

Aquatotz Swimming Lesson, Aqua swim SchoolAquatotz lessons provide the treasured beginning of your  little ones swimming journey through structured PLAY, SONGS, GAMES and loads of FUN.

Lessons run in line with the Swim England Pre- School National Plan for Teaching Swimming Foundation Framework.

We have outlined 3 major areas of significant development in a child’s early years, and have based our lesson progression around these areas.

The easiest way for us to split the significant areas of development is typically by age. However we appreciate that children all develop at different rates and we do not hold back children by their “chronological” age.  So if our instructors feel your child is ready they will promptly progress.

Aquatotz Classes

  • Ducklingz 1: Parent and Child (up to* 18 months)
  • Ducklingz 2: Parent and Child (from 18 months up to 3 years old)
  • Cygnetz: Pre School Mini Group Lessons (2 ½ years and older)

*There is no real set age to start but we recommend that you discuss the starting of lessons with your Health Visitor, or visit the following link for advice: NHS – Can my baby go swimming before or after vaccinations?.

Ducklingz lessons will ensure adults learn how to pass on vital skills to their babies with introductory and water confidence exercises, and eventually see their babies swim their first underwater strokes.

There are up to 8 adults with babies in the class and the children will steadily work through the Swim England “I Can” Awards and progress on to the Swim England Discovery Ducking Awards.

Cygnetz lessons are for pre-school children who will begin to learn swimming techniques by themselves without parental support nurtured by our fully qualified teachers. We realise this is a brave step forward and to ensure these lessons offer maximum security whilst your young ones experience structured freedom we have a ratio of 1 teacher to 5 pupils. Children will progress through the Swim England Duckling Awards and gain their first Swim England Rainbow Distance Awards. (Typically Puffin, 5m, 10m 15m Badges).

Aquatotz Lessons run during the day times, afternoons & weekends.

Underwater Photo shoots
We run underwater photo shoots so you can capture an amazing picture of your child enjoying their affinity with water.  This is to  raise money for our chosen charity the Make a Wish Foundation.

For a minimum donation of £15.00 per child to attend (or more if you want), we use our under water camera to take action shots.  Many of teachers kindly attend the shoots to help nurture the best techniques for a great underwater pic. Following the event we email the images to you for you to print at your leisure and place on your walls, mantlepieces or in your child’s journals.

Please see the  Aqua Swim School Make A Wish charity page for more info on the fund-raising events we have completed and the reason why we support this charity.